Knowladge Base


Method for Account Balance WSDL

This method returns Account Balance and Status in the form of an array. The user is required to give User ID, Password as arguments and he’ll get Account Balance Information in the form of an array.

In case of successful, the Account Balance & Status would be returned. Otherwise, an error code would be returned which is described later.

Method Signature

sub WebGetAccountBalance($UserID,$Password)

Example Usage

We are providing a sample code in PHP that accesses and uses this service.

WSDL Access (PHP Client):

$parameters = array(“954488″,”d4fasd”)
$soapclient= new soapclientnusoap(‘’, true);
$SoapResult = array();
$SoapResult = $soapclient->call(“WebGetAccountBalance”, $parameters,’WebGetAccountBalance’);



Successfull query will return array Information.

Error Codes

In case of any incorrect information provided by the user or in case of no matching data, an error code will be returned. Error codes correspond to the following messages:

-1 = User ID does not exist
-2 = Your Password is Incorrect