Knowladge Base


DIDx is a wholesale DID trading market with a reliable platform since 2005 to Buy, Sell, and Trade DID phone numbers. This wholesale marketplace enables the sale and purchase of DIDs with Channels (enabling multiple calls at one time.) Such service can include unlimited incoming calls and the option to purchase additional channels / paths to use with DID phone numbers as needed.

The following area codes have additional channels available. Below are sample rates. Log in to your business DIDX dashboard to view exact rates and to manage DIDs and channels.


Extra Channel Setup Charges
Extra Channel Monthly Recurring Charges
DID Setup Price
DID Per Month Price
1 $0 $5 $1 $3.1
2 $0 $5 $1 $2
3 $0 $5 $4 $12
4 $5 $25 $6 $9
5 $0 $10 $0 $0.99
6 $0 $10 $0 $12
7 $0 $10 $1 $0.99
8 $2 $8 $1 $3.95
9 $0 $10 $1 $12.5
10 $0 $5 $12.1 $41.25
11 $0 $5 $1 $3.5
12 $15 $23.5 $1 $5.5
13 $15 $15 $6 $7
14 $0 $25 $1 $37.5
15 $0 $5 $0.99 $1.5
16 $0 $5 $1 $6.7
17 $1 $5.5 $0 $2
18 $0 $5 $0.99 $0.99
19 $5 $10 $9 $10
20 $0 $10 $1 $12.5
21 $15 $23.5 $5 $4.75
22 $0 $21 $2 $6.6
23 $0 $5 $1 $2.96
24 $0 $5 $1 $3
25 $0 $12 $1 $7.9
26 $0 $7 $1 $12.5
27 $0 $5 $0 $0.99
28 $0 $4 $0 $0.1
29 $0 $10 $1 $12.5

If you are seeking numbers on per min bases, please visit