Knowledge Base


The DIDX service agreement you sign, in summary, states that you the DIDX member are responsible for adhering to the law.

Since there is quite often no clear law with this new technology of “DID forwarding,” we encourage you to make sure that you have COMPLETE contact information of the person who you are selling the number to. At any time, a law enforcement agency may contact us requesting that information, and we will contact you for this information. You can do one of two things in these cases.

1. Get the information from your end-user, and we forward it to the authorities.
2. If the info is not provided the service for that DID will stop.

DIDX is working on creative ways to gather this information, and making it available to law enforcement agencies in a manner that is most productive.

Each country and/or DID provider has different requirements for documentation.

As of October 2017, in general the following requirements apply when purchasing a DID from these countries. The documents need to be scanned to or faxed to +1206 339 4203 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +1206 339 4203      end_of_the_skype_highlighting with the DIDX account number and telephone number listed, so we can make a correct match.

  • Andorra
    • Need Local Photo ID (National ID or Passport)
    • Proof of address (e.g any utility bill) which verifies the local address from the same city as the number is from.
    • If a number is ordered by a company please provide company registration certificate.


  • China
    • Name / Business Name
    • Telephone Number
    • Address
    • What is the application for which DID numbers will be used?
    • Also an address in China
    • Clear copy of passport preferably China-issued photo ID.


  • Bahrain
    • Service Restriction:
      • 1. No use for any political TV programs for/again the government of Bahrain.
      • 2. No use for any type of porn programs, including TV, Magazin, or any other means.
      • 3. Bahrain DIDs, strictly must not be advertised on any Satelite TVs for any purposes.
      • 4. The DIDs could not be used as VOIP call back services or VOIP access numbers.


    • End user information includes:
      • 1. A valid ID card or a copy of passport.
      • 2. Full name of the end user
      • 3. Full postal Address of the end user
      • 4. Email address and contact number of the end user


  • Iran
    • Service Restriction:
      • 1. No use for any political TV programs for/again the government of Iran.
      • 2. No use for any type of porn programs, including TV, Magazin, or any other means.
      • 3. Iran DIDs, strictly must not be advertised on any Satelite TVs for any purposes.
      • 4. The DIDs could not be used as VOIP call back services or VOIP access numbers.


    • End user information includes:
      • 1. A valid ID card or a copy of passport.
      • 2. Full name of the end user
      • 3. Full postal Address of the end user
      • 4. Email address and contact number of the end user


  • Saudi Arabia
    • Saudi Local Documents (Iqama/National ID)
    • Contact Number


  • France
    • Need Local Photo ID (National ID or Passport)
    • Proof of address (e.g any utility bill) which verifies the local address from the same city as the number is from.
    • If a number is ordered by a company please provide KBIS


  • Germany:
    • Need Local Photo ID (National ID or Passport)
    • Proof of address (e.g any utility bill) which verifies the local address from the same city as the number is from.
    • If a number is ordered by a company please provide company registration certificate.


  • Ireland
    • ID Card copy
    • Name
    • Local address
    • Local City
    • Local Post Code


  • Pakistan
    • A local NIC number (national ID number)OR a Passport scanned copy of the end user from any country.
    • For Companies please send an LOI on company’s Letter Head for number provisioning.


  • India
    • Number can only be assigned to Companys for conference calling purpose only.
    • Company should send an LOI on company’s Letter Head for number provisioning.
    • Company shall provide its registration registration certificate.


  • Singapore
    • Address and the Passport copy for the end user; Passport copy can be from anywhere


  • Hong Kong
    • 2 Forms of Identity of the subscriber (e.g. passport and driver license)
    • 2 forms of Proof of Address e.g. electricity bill, phone bill Payment Records, else the numbers will be disconnected from DIDx.


  • Malaysia
    • Provide us the valid End user Document that confirms the user has a valid address in the city where the DID was ordered.
    • For companies, we need a certificate of registration.
    • For end user, we need a copy of both sides of identity card.
    • In addition, a second official document is required which confirms the address (e.g. phone bill or utility bill).
    • To make sure the DID can’t be used until documents are approved from our side the DIDs are currently disabled. Once the documents are approved DID will be activated immediately


  • Switzerland
    • Valid address for Switzerland and Passport copy for end user; Passport copy can be from anywhere.


  • Turkey
    • Need Local Photo ID (National ID or Passport)
    • Proof of address (e.g any utility bill) which verifies the local address from the same city as the number is from.


  • Japan
    • I order to buy DIDs of Tokyo,Japan need to have local Japanese passport of the end user.


  • United Kingdom
    • Background of 087x and 070x UK DID purchased on DIDX.

(All DIDX buyers of 087x and 070x UK DID purchased on DIDX are subject to compliance with the following.)

This statement sets out the obligations of the DIDX Buyer when purchasing 0871, 0872, and 0873 United Kingdom number ranges (collectively referred to as 087x numbers) and 070 United Kingdom number ranges.

Where number ranges are opened up in the future on 087x and designated by Ofcom as Controlled Premium Rate Services and are to be regulated by PhonepayPlus?. references in this statement to 087x numbers shall apply to those number ranges. For avoidance of doubt, the statement will not apply to the 0870 number range.

I. DIDX Buyer Responsibilities when buying 087x numbers

When the DIDX Buyer purchases 087x numbers on DIDXCHANGE, the DIDX Buyer is responsible for compliance with the Code of Practice and Statements of Expectation listed at

DIDX Buyer must warn users that any data collected may be passed to PhonepayPlus? in the purchase and use of 087x numbers. The services and all promotional materials related to services that use 087x numbers must not result in any unreasonable invasion of privacy, induce an unacceptable sense of fear, anxiety or distress; encourage or incite any person to engage in unreasonably dangerous practices or to use harmful substances, induce or promote racial disharmony, cause grave or widespread offense; debase, degrade, or demean; or promote or facilitate prostitution.

DIDX Buyer must ensure that all users of premium rate services are fully informed, clearly and straightforwardly, of all cost of using the service prior to incurring any charge. Written pricing must be easily legible, prominent, horizontal, and presented in a way that does not require close examination. Spoken pricing must be easily audible and discernible.

All operational and instructional messages necessary to obtain access to a service and provided separately to the service must be available free of charge to a user.

The identity and contact details of the DIDX Buyer must be obvious and clearly stated to the user. The customer service phone number must be clearly stated and easily available to the user.

II. DIDX Buyer Responsibilities when buying 070X numbers

a. Any 070 numbers allocated to the Service Provider DIDX Buyer will not be used for Premium Rate Services.

b. The Service Provider DIDX Buyer stated in this agreement will not promote 070 numbers as a way of making international calls.

c. 070 numbers will ONLY be used for number translation that enables End-Users?
to be called or otherwise contacted using a single Personal Telephone Number
and to receive those calls or other communications at almost any telephone
number, including mobiles.

d. The Service Provider DIDX Buyer will ensure that all services will be designed such that the primary beneficiary of the service is the user who is receiving telephone calls.

e. Service Providers DIDX Buyer using Personal Numbers will not share any revenue
obtained from promoting a Personal Number service with End-Users?.

f. The Service Provider DIDX Buyer will ensure that if they sub-allocate 070
numbers to another Service Provider, they will receive a similar undertaking of the
above from them.

The DIDX Buyer does agree to comply with the Phonepay Plus Code of Practice and Statement of Expectations listed at in the event that the DIDX Buyer purchases 087x numbers and 070X numbers from DIDXCHANGE.

Apart from that you could also check the listing of the Vendors with their specific document requirement when you purchase there DIDs

1. 700118 1305 Photo ID and address of end user.
2. 700734 ALL Please write NIC numbers and upload copies of Pakistan National Identity Card Coipes
3. 700814 35321,35351,35353,35371 Local Address Required and Photo ID required
4. 700851 ALL Passport Copy
5. 701210 ALL Proof of address in Greece, can be any utility bill
6. 701332 331,35722,35723,35726 Please upload proof of local address and end-user identification (company or individual)
7. 701371 852 Please upload clear photocopy of end user current passport
8. 701542 ALL Need Photo ID, Local address from the same city as the number is from, proof of address (e.g any utility bill).If a company please provide KBIS
9. 701939 ALL Passport Copy
10.702214 ALL Valid address for Switzerland and Local Passport copy for end user
11.702882 ALL Shanghai local Address, Customer ID copy if personal use. If it is business use, copy of the business license
12.702919 852 Please provide passport and local address
13.703353 ALL Passport Copy of the End User
14.704549 ALL Signed copy of passport
15.704574 4930,4969,4989 Along with the local address vendor needs to know the details of the end user company as this will be Checked against the register of companies. In the case of the end user,being an individual, they will have to state their date of birth
16.704593 ALL Please upload End User Pakistan National Identity Card
17.705069 603,612,617,618 Please submit photocopy of End Users Valid passport Id Card and a copy of utility bill for proof of name
18.705069 65 Following Text Documents are also needed along with the copy passport and Utility bill: Name Home and Office Phone number Work and Home Address Purpose of Using this number
19.705069 ALL End user Passport and Address
20.705853 ALL Passport Copy
21.707560 331 Need Local French address & copy of photo ID of end user
22.707787 852 Please provide passport and local address
23.707819 ALL Please provide local address which has to be from the same city, where the number is from and Valid ID Card / Passport Copy
24.710662 ALL Copy of passport and house registration / business registration
25.710758 ALL Customer Name, Address, Number, and Passport copies
26. 711741 ALL End user Passport and address
27. 711773 ALL Please provider Passport copies from any where and End user contact deails
28. 711780 ALL Upload copy of NIC (Front and back)which needs to be from Pakistan only
29. 713822 ALL Customer Name, Address, Number, and Passport copies
30. 716334 9242,9255,9261 Local Lahore National Identity Card with local lahore address for Lahore DID,and the same document requirement for Multan and Gujranwalla