To get the type of the ring to address set in your DID number, use this function.
Method Signature
Example Usage
We are providing a sample code in PHP which accesses and uses this service.
require_once “nusoap.php”;
$soapclient= new soapclient(‘’);
$SoapResult = array();
$SoapResult = $soapclient->call(“GetRingToType”, $parameters,’urn:GetRingToType’);
First argument is the DIDx User ID, second the password, third the DID number that you’ve bought.
Return values:
On successfull query, the method may return
1 – SIP
2 – IAX
Error Codes
It will return an ‘Error Code’ in case there is some thing wrong with the information provided or there is no matching data in our record.
-1 = User ID does not exist
-2 = Your Password is Incorrect
-3 = This DID is not in your ownership.
-4 = No such DID Number exists.
-5 = Please provide a valid value for the fifth parameter