Knowladge Base


This method retrieve general DID Information


Example URL:


Example Code in PHP:


$curl_handle = curl_init();

$url = "";

curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$curl_data = curl_exec($curl_handle);


$response_data = json_decode($curl_data);





Input Fields:

    1. UserID
    2. Password
    3. DIDNumber


Returned Fields:

    1. DID Number
    2. Free Minutes
    3. Per Minute Charges After Free Minutes
    4. No. of Channels
    5. Test Status
    6. Vendor ID
    7. Setup Charges
    8. Monthly Charges
    9. AreaID
    10. Status (0. Available, 1. Reserved, 2. Sold)
    11. Document Approval Status. (1. Approved)
    12. Document Required by This DID (1. Yes, 0. No)
    13. Message for Document (If this DID required Document)
    14. Document Type (1. Image, 2. Text 3. Image+Text)
    15. VendorRating
    16. Calling Card restriction (1. Yes. 0. No)
    17. Selling for Calling Card (1. Yes. 0. No)
    18. Codec Supported (1. Yes. 0. No)
    19. Selling Directly From Network (1. Yes. 0. No)
    20. Allow to be sold for Trigger CallBack (1. Yes. 0. No)
    21. Caller ID support(1. Yes. 0. No)
    22. Caller ID Name support(1. Yes. 0. No)
    23. State Name
    24. Free SMS
    25. Per SMS Charges After Free SMS
    26. DTMF support(1. Yes. 0. No)
    27. Country Area
    28. Expiry Date
    29. Used Free Minutes


Error Codes:

In case of any incorrect information provided by the user or in case of no matching data, an error code will be returned. Error codes correspond to the following messages:

-2 = Invalid UserID / Password

-3 = There are no DID in our Database.