Knowledge Base

Western Union and Quick Pay

Our list of Instruction to our customers on how to send a Western Union
With the western union and Quick Pay, you instantly send us the payment for service. We accept a minimum of $500 via Western Union.
Important Note: When your account balance has ZERO credit, it will automatically be terminated by the system, and we may not able to recover your phone number/s. We STRONGLY recommend you keep a minimum of $50 in your account at all times.

These are the easy steps that you should follow:


Step Two: REQUEST AND FILL OUT THE BLUE Quick Pay or Quick Collect FORM

*NAME OF OUR COMPANY – * This information must be entered in the “Company Name” line under the “Pay To” section of the blue form. (See a below) Our Company Name is “Super Technologies Inc

*OUR COMPANY CODE – * This code must be entered in the “Company Code” line under the “Pay To” section of the blue form. (see B below) Our company code is “SUPERPHONE, FL”

YOUR REFERENCE WITH OUR COMPANY – Enter your Virtual Phone Line or the Super Technologies’ order number. If you don’t have, click on Signup to get one.

Please note that many agent’s try to make you send a PERSONAL WESTERN UNION. DO NOT do that, as we have an arragenemnt with Western Union for them to charge you a FLAT $15 Fee for amounts up to $3000.

Once you make a payment to us, login to your account. Click “Contact Us” and ener this information there.

My Western Union MTCN Number is xxxxxxxxx

My Sender Name

My Sender City and Country

Amount I have sent is $xxx

You can also send a payment via your credit card using Western Union, following the directions above at this link